
Your Spiritual Journey

Unemployed ? This powerful mantra can help you get a job.

Unemployed? Such situations can arise for number of reasons. Other that working hard, upgrading your skills and being honest you can also try spiritual methods to get peace of mind and eventually obtain a job. A calm and peaceful mind can stay positive and eventually get a job too.

Your past life can cause you problems like unemployment in this world and this life. It is often you owe someone something from past. The most important way to solve this problem is by making sure you pay those debts. These debts must be paid by worshiping the deity of past lives and ancestors. That is Lord Yama.

सितालोष्ठसमायुक्तं सकण्टकदलान्वितम्।

हर पापमपामार्ग भ्राम्यमाण: पुन: पुन:।।

Sitaa-loshthaa-sama-yuktam sankat-kadalaanvitam

har papam-paamaarga bhramymaaNaahaa punah punah

Chant this mantra 108 times everyday for 41 days. Plant a tulasi tree on day 1 and every day offer water to this tree after you are done chanting. Chanting must be done immediately after bath or while having bath. On 41st day, donate the tree to someone or plant the tree in forest or public garden.

This ritual will cleanse you of your past life debts. Please remember that you should maintain a good character, do not steal, lie or borrow money from others with intention of cheating them.

You will see results. Please let us know in comments if this works.

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