
Your Spiritual Journey

Hanuman mantra for improving your good luck

Hanumanji is the lord of Kaliyuga where he is still alive and among us. People have asked us for mantras that can be used to get blessing from Lord Hanuman and improve their luck in day to day life.

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी। कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी॥

This line from Hanuman Chalisa is extremely popular and chanting it continuously thousands of times will improve your luck.

Chant this mantra over 1,00,000 times to make is siddha. Once that is done you can invoke this mantra everytime you need it.

Hanuman mantras are for true sadhakas and not meant for people who are merely seeking money and power.

Always remember.

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा:,परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्य:। परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गाव:,परोपकाराय मिदं शरीरम्॥

वृक्ष परोपकारके लिए ही फलते हैं।नदी परोपकार के लिए ही बहती है।गाय परोपकार के लिए दूध देती है।इसी प्रकार मनुष्य शरीर की सार्थकता परोपकारमें हीहै।

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