
Your Spiritual Journey

Forgotton Indian relics – Ganga on the Makar

Once India was a big nation and Afghanistan and Pakistan was all a part of the entire subcontinent. The Hindu ideology was spread all over. All people shared the same beliefs with respect to religion and ideologies.  However, with the entry of the Muslims from the Arabic countries a diversion started happening. This culminated into the birth of new religions. Very soon the entire population started getting divided into either Hindus or Muslims.
Eventually, these countries separated from India and gave rise to a new kind of political picture. However, the Indian relics and artifacts symbols of Indian culture stayed in their places. They were eventually discovered and kept by the respective countries.
One such example is a beautiful idol of a lady on top of a crocodile or Makar.  This idol is believed to be that of Goddess Ganga as the crocodile is believed to be her ride. The idol is believed to have been created around the time circa 200 CE. This was also the era when Afghanistan was having its share of Hindu and Buddhist influences. This idol and many other artifacts and Indian relics of that time are stored in Kabul museum.

Essentially this piece of art is one of the Indian relics which are derived from Bagram School of art. This form of art is no longer existent. In spite of the violence and terrorism these pieces of ancient art have been able to survive. One look at this idol and you will realize that it is a clear reflection of Indian heritage and history.
A check into the website of the museum gives us a glimpse of the history of this idol. As per their records, this statuette is believed to once be a part of a piece of wooden furniture. However, with time, the furniture decayed but this idol survived.
One thing that is really bothersome is that no steps are being taken to bring them back. Apart from these there are multiple other Indian relics present in museums of other countries as well. This is regardless of the fact that the political scenario in India is just right at present. This despite the fact that their staying in a country like Afghanistan is not very safe. This is due to the unstable political environment there.

If you also agree that these Indian relics should be brought back then do share with us.


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